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Coco the turkey was found struggling to survive in a crate full of other chicks, at a local store where they sell farmed animals. Coco was weak and hungry in the corner when he was discovered, and his rescuer didn’t think he would make it. She asked the store if she could take him and rehab him, because he looked like he was going to pass. Miraculously he made a full recovery and he was raised with baby Delilah, a baby chicken. The two have been inseparable since!

Coco is a Royal Palm turkey. They are usually not raised to be eaten, but are kept alive because of their very pretty appearance. It’s important to recognize that they have all the same behaviors of the millions of turkeys that are farmed and slaughtered every year for humans to eat. Turkeys can be extremely social, cuddly, and loving little companions. Coco, for example, is very social and is always following people around to get attention and check out what is going on. 


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