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O'ahu's first non-profit



Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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O‘ahu’s First
Sanctuary for
Farmed Animals

What is a farmed animal sanctuary?

A safe haven for animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and other farmed animals. Here, they can live the rest of their lives in peace, without being used or exploited.

Where do the animals come from?

We accept animals who have been abused, abandoned, and/or neglected and have no where else to go. We also accept animals at risk of being sent to slaughter without legal intervention.


How can I help?
There are many opportunities to get involved. You can donate, purchase us something on our "wishlist," volunteer, or fundraise for us. Click to Donate, Sponsor an Animal,or Volunteer for more information.

"It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal."

– Joaquin Phoenix


Team K2 Realty Donation Recipient

MARCH 31, 2022

Mahalo nui loa to Team K2, Keller Williams Honolulu, who generously donated their 50th Commission of 2021 ($7,000) to Aloha Animal Sanctuary!

Visit our Donors page


Pig Mud-proofing Project

MARCH 22, 2022

Each $50 donation gets your name written on the new pig barn! Size of names will be approximately 2.5" X 10". This would also make a most thoughtful gift for the animal lover in your life! We will send you a personalized photo of your name on the barn after it is finished, too. 

Our incredible architect Natalie Snyder designed the gorgeous pig barn that can withstand not only piggos, but also hurricanes, and provide adequate shade during the summer. The sanctuary gets a lot of rain at times so the pig area has a tendency to get very muddy. To prevent the piggies from contracting hoof rot we have laid out gravel to help with drainage and to allow their hooves to dry faster. We have made excellent progress over the months but we still have a little ways to go.


Please consider donating towards mud proofing the barn. Click HERE to donate.


Artwork by the visionary Kenna Cady. Barn renders by architect Natalie Snyder.

GIFT Foundation Recipient

MARCH 9, 2020

GIFT Foundation.jpg

We have been keeping this news a secret for a while! We are so happy to announce that we were chosen by the GIFT Foundation as one of their 2019 grant recipients! 

The GIFT Foundation of Hawaii is also a non-profit whose mission is to encourage young people to give back to their communities. Every year they host the best Halloween party in all of Waikiki, and they donate the proceeds to non-profits of their choice! This grant was given to us solely to go towards the building of a Learning Center at the sanctuary. This educational center will be a community space, welcoming people of all ages, but geared towards programs to empower the youth. At Aloha Animal Sanctuary, we offer unique opportunities to our keiki. We hope to raise a generation of children who are connected to the animals and the land— children who will become peaceful leaders in their communities. 

The Sanctuary is a magical place, and we’ve personally seen through our community days and tours how eager and open children are to making a connection with animals, and the joy that they receive through helping them. With the Learning Center, we will be able to create tours and events that are designed for the benefit and enjoyment of all. 

Special thank you to our Director of Development Hannah Mizuno who learned about this grant and made sure we got our application done in time! We love you!

 — with Anchi Howitz and RJ Bee.


Visit our Donors page


  • Mar 26, 2022, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM HST
    47-119 Pulama Rd, 47-119 Pulama Rd, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA
    Looking for volunteers that can help us with removing chicken wire fencing, removing California grass, moving mulch, and other various tasks. Keiki welcome but please note we may not have specific volunteer tasks for children under the age of 8 years old 🙏🏽

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We Kindly Ask For Your Support Today!

Aloha Animal Sanctuary

We do not have normal business hours to accommodate drop-ins. 

Please see our CONTACT page to find out how to schedule a visit to the sanctuary.

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 4030

Kaneohe, HI 96744


EIN 83-1947197

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